150 N. Robertson Blvd, Suite 140
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©2005 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Purchasers of the Patient Consultation Resource Book are given a limited license to modify documents contained herein and reproduce the modified version for use in the Purchaser's own practice only. All other rights are reserved by American Society of Plastic Surgeons®. Purchasers may not sell or allow any other party to use any version of the Patient Consultation Resource Book, any of the documents contained herein or any modified version of such documents.
This is an informed-consent document that has been prepared to help inform you of mini-abdominoplasty surgery, its risks, as well as alternative treatments.
It is important that you read this information carefully and completely. Please initial each page, indicating that you have read the page and sign the consent for surgery as proposed by your plastic surgeon and agreed upon by you.
The mini-abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the lower abdomen and to tighten muscles of the abdominal wall. Abdominoplasty surgery is not a treatment for being overweight. Obese individuals who intend to lose weight should postpone all forms of body-contouring surgery until they have reached a stable weight.
There are a variety of different techniques used by plastic surgeons for mini-abdominoplasty. The mini-abdominoplasty can be combined with other forms of body-contouring surgery, including suction-assisted lipectomy, or other elective surgeries.
Alternative forms of management consist of not treating the areas of loose skin and fatty deposits. Liposuction may be a surgical alternative to abdominoplasty if there is good skin tone and localized abdominal fatty deposits in an individual of normal weight. Diet and exercise programs may be of benefit in the overall reduction of excess body fat and contour improvement. Risks and potential complications are associated with alternative surgical forms of treatment
Mini Tummy Tuck Consent Form - Download