150 N. Robertson Blvd, Suite 140
Beverly Hills, California 90211
(310) 652-6500

Before Plastic Surgery: Part IV -
Your Health
Plastic or cosmetic surgery can be a wonderful way to improve not just your appearance, but also your self-image and self-confidence. When considering plastic surgery it is important to remember that this is elective surgery and that your general health always should come first. Good health is essential to a good outcome.
Before finalizing a decision to have Plastic surgery, Los Angeles surgeons should review your medical history. It is important that you be as honest with them as you would be with any other physician. You must fully disclose all aspects of your medical history. You should be asked about any medical problems you have, past surgical procedures, what medications you are on and about any allergies to medications. It is important that your Los Angeles Plastic surgeon have this information so that they can advise you correctly as to the type of procedure best suited for you.
You should also discuss your desire for cosmetic surgery with your medical doctor. Surprisingly, many patients considering Plastic surgery are reluctant to discuss this with their physician, but are quite surprised to find that most doctors are very supportive. Your own physician, as the one who knows you best, is in the best position to judge if you are medically fit to undergo elective surgery. Your physician is also the one best able to give you a thorough physical exam prior to surgery.
In Los Angeles Plastic surgery often requires one to have screening pre-operative blood work and laboratory tests. This usually consists of basic labs, such as blood count, clotting adequacy, blood sugar and electrolyte levels, urine analysis and a pregnancy test when indicated. These are easily done at most local labs. These tests will help your physician screen for many possible problems.
It is also essential that you discuss your smoking history with your Plastic surgeon. Often, Plastic surgeons will want their patients to quit smoking for a month before, and at least a month after many procedures. This includes all nicotine products and patches.
Just because you may have a medical condition does not necessarily preclude you from having plastic surgery. There are many people with various medical conditions who can still undergo plastic procedures, but should do this in coordination with their medical doctor and Plastic surgeon. When searching for a Plastic Surgeon, Los Angeles has many excellent choices that will consider your health to be of first and foremost importance.